Hola Amigo’s! (Hello Friends)
Lifting weights or resistance training is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
I have been lifting weights for many many years. It’s one of my favourite things to do in the gym. When I was overweight as a teenage I signed up to my first gym when I was 17 and learned about doing weights for my health with the aim of losing weight.
I’ve pretty much been doing them ever since and the benefits are truly amazing.
- Increase muscle mass
- Become stronger
- Become more confident
- Become fitter
- Promotes greater mobility and flexibility
- Improves brain health
- Reduces abdominal fat
- Burns calories efficiently
- Lowers risk of injury
- Helps manage blood sugar levels
- Improves heart health
It’s important that we retain muscle mass as we get older to be able to carry out every day tasks with ease like taking stairs carrying groceries and other day-to-day activities.
As we get older, we lose muscle mass 3-5% per year after age 30, so resistance training can help combat that.
Increasing muscle mass doesn’t mean you’ll become bulky and huge often it’s the opposite you become quite lean but stronger.
You don’t have to spend hours in the gym to get the benefits even a few times a week, twice per week can have huge benefits. You also can do things at home. You don’t have to go to a gym if you don’t want to you can get your own kettle bells or weights at home to do a session in front of the TV.
You will notice benefits in even just two sessions a week but it’s probably good to do three if you can. You’ll be surprised how quickly you will improve and you’ll certainly notice benefits doing day-to-day activities like carrying groceries, walking stairs and other day to day activities.
Also you don’t have to spend hours at each session 20 to 30 minutes. You will still see great benefits.
A typical training program incorporates a number of exercises, anywhere between 3 to 6 or even a few more if you’re doing a warmup and cool down which is recommended especially for people starting out.
Doing weight training sessions in a circuit based fashion where you go through each of the six or so exercises by doing a set of 12 repetitions is a really great way to train.

It’s pretty straightforward. It’s easy and it’s also extremely enjoyable. I love doing weights. I usually put on my headphones listen to my favourite music and before I know it it’s over but it’s really enjoyable time that I get to spend doing something that I really love.
The most important thing is that you have a good understanding of how to do each of the exercises correctly so that you don’t get injured,
It’s a great idea to start off using fairly moderate weights. If you’re new to this and you’ll be surprised how quickly you can build up.
You can certainly do this type of training at home even with body weight or if you have a few handheld weights or kettle bells or barbells, if you don’t then it’s probably worth going to a gym where a qualified instructor can write you up a personalised program for your goals.
Becoming stronger and fitter is something that everyone has the ability to be able to do, something that’s attainable for everyone.
The benefits are really amazing for all the reasons above. So if you’re not currently doing resistance training it’s worth considering for all the amazing benefits you will gain in a short amount of time. Even after one session you will feel empowered, probably a little sore which means you have worked your muscles and the benefits start.
I guarantee it you will notice it after a few sessions when taking stairs or lifting groceries. Your cardiovascular fitness will also improve as this happens when the exercises are taken in a circuit fashion you can usually move through the exercises quickly.
The beauty of it though is you can take your time and rest in the beginning till you get fitter and stronger, my session might take between 15 mins to 30 mins and it is some of the most productive time I take for myself two times a week at the gym.
Resistance training is very effective and when done properly with the right exercises and program it’s extremely efficient in getting significant results.
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Featured Image – Jonathan Borba /Pexels